Tuesday, January 11, 2011

And float down Grand street ...

Matt and Kim are magic.

When I was younger, first discovering my love of writing, I had a giddy, almost silly feeling every time I put pen or pencil to paper, or keystroke to digital page. Recently, I've had that same tingly feeling whenever I write. The inspiration has been coming from everywhere, movies I watch, cartoons, music, everywhere.

People are usually quick to talk about inspiration. I've always wondered where ideas came from (for example, how did anyone come up with "Transformers"?), and who it was that initially was insane enough to think outside of that box. I'm not insane enough to imagine my Sentra exploding into a thousand moving metal pieces and pulling out a blaster rifle to fight my fiance's little green Scion.

I have heroes. Idols. Whatever you wish to call them. Some are dead. Some are alive and well and living all over this beautiful planet of ours.

I'll list a few of them, and hopefully, some of you will check them out. Some are writers, some filmmakers, comedians, social commentary people, etc.

1) Bret Easton Ellis - Author. The reason I started writing.

2) Matt Berry - Comedian. Writer. Actor. Proper English gentleman.

3) Tim Heidecker - Comedian. Writer. Actor.

4) Dave Goyer - Screenwriter. Go-to comic book adapter. That picture is fairly homoerotic.

5) Spalding Gray - Writer, genius. No longer with us.

6) Steven Spielberg - The most powerful guy on this list. If you don't know what this dude's credentials are, seek immediate help.

I'd keep going, but this will end up being picture after picture of people, as there are so many influences I can think of. More comedians, filmmakers, the occasional musician. They all matter, in the end, as they have all created pieces of art that have influenced millions.

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