Who comes up with the most pretentious titles imaginable? This guy.
This really has almost nothing to do with the so-called "Life Of A Writer", so much as it does with An Unemployed Writer Who Only Wants To Write But Can't Because There's No Money In It.
I recently joined a freelance writing site, and the bids for jobs that I would do are astoundingly high. Even when I try to undercut my fellow unemployed writers by taking a few hundred dollars off the lowest bid, I can't because there are apparently rules to bidding.
Every day, I sit at this desk, write (various things; scripts, video game freelance work, etc.) and I stare at this (poor quality picture ahead):
That's a bottle of antacids next to stacks of books that are supposedly geared toward helping me sell my screenplays. And Watchmen by Alan Moore.
Spoiler Alert: They don't work.
...yet...love ya...