Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Made In The USA ...

I went to the Chinese buffet in Patchogue with my father today and after eating too much sushi and cream cheese wontons, the waitress brought over the bill and two fortune cookies. My father's read something like "The road less traveled is the road most feared" or something like that.

Mine read: "Made in the USA"

I raised an eyebrow, confused. I showed it to my dad, who laughed.

Is there something to fortune cookie prophecy? I was born in America. Conceived in America, too, I imagine. I enjoy the colors red, white and blue. I also love hamburgers and hot dogs, as well as apple pie. All American things.

This got me thinking. What other American things do I enjoy?

1) James Quall

2) Gamestop

3) New York in the 70's.

4) Disney World

5) Baseball

I guess that's about it. Everything else is either Asian, European, or English.

Does that make me elitist? Cultured? I leave that up to you. In the meantime, here is a picture of a cat: